Eat & Drink: Bali. The Smoothie
If you don’t think it’s worth the long trip to Bali because: you’ve been to many tropical islands and la-de-da like whatever; you’ve stayed at lovely villas in Italy, Spain, and you’ve been fed grapes like a queen/king oh yeah; you’ve wiled away many an afternoon lounging on white sandy beaches until you’ve over-snoozed so much like some bad habit; you’ve flip-flopped your way around town in loose t-shirts and shorts in aimless reveries among locals who have no idea what snow is and somehow you can relate uh huh.
Have you had a fruit smoothie like this???
Candy-sweet mangoes ta die 4
Soursop (“The flavor of the fruit has been described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple, with sour citrus flavour notes contrasting with an underlying creamy texture reminiscent of coconut or banana”)
Rice milk (or an alternative to un-thicken)
Ice (a coolant and an un-thickener too)
Coconut cream (as a topping)
Mango chunks (why not add another topping too?)